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The Ukrainian-Danish Youth House Grants

The purpose of the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House Grant Program is to provide young civil society actors with financial resources and capacity to contribute to the objectives of the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House: To support the democratic development of Ukraine and to strengthen the ties between young Ukrainians and Danes.

Support under the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House Grants is provided to activists, artists, and other representatives of young civil society, all working with youth of the age of 15-35.

The total yearly budget for the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House Grants is DKK 1.450.000.

This information is also available in Ukrainian: click here

Who can apply?

The Ukrainian-Danish Youth House Grant supports registered organisations that are:

  • Youth-led,
  • Working for youth, or
  • Doing projects aimed at youth.

Support under the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House Grants is provided to activists, artists, and other representatives of young civil society, all working with youth of the age of 15-35.

Youth is in our definition young people in the age 15-35.

Projects submitted by organisations from Denmark should be implemented in Ukraine (at their own risk). Participation in cooperation with Ukrainian organisations is possible and welcome.

What kinds of tracks can I apply for?

The grants are divided into six tracks from which the applicant must choose:

1. Empowerment
Building confidence, ability, skills, knowledge, and critical thinking among youth

2. Partnerships and Cultural Exchange
Building partnerships within the field of civil society between youth with different backgrounds (within Ukraine and between Ukraine and Denmark)

3. Local Anchoring & Institutionalisation
Strengthening of youth organisations, communities, movements, and initiatives

4. Advocacy and Strategic Influence
Training in, and implementation of, strategic advocacy efforts and representation of youth voices towards powerholders and the public

5. Grants for Mykolaiv Youth
Support for youth-led initiatives that empower young people in Mykolaiv and the Mykolaiv Oblast to actively engage in their communities, culture, and democratic processes.
The grant amount is within the range EUR 1.000 - 3000
*Note: All project(s) in this category must be implemented in Mykolaiv and/or Mykolaiv Oblast

6. Youth Center Support Grants
Support for youth centers/spaces to cover the purchase of technical equipment/materials necessary for the operation of the youth center. The support does not cover fees, salaries, administration, etc.
The grant amount is within the range EUR 500 - 3.500
*Note: Youth Centers registered as a Civil Society Organisation (CSO), or Communal Institutions are eligible to apply for the Youth Center Support Grant program.

All projects must be finalized until 31.12.2024.

Applying for tracks 1-4? Choose the type of the project

1. Strategic youth projects

Projects including and promoting youth participation in society, culture and decision-making, in which the applicants strive towards creating long-lasting impact.

The budget amount is within the range EUR 4.000 – 20.000.

Co-financing is allowed if needed.

2. Volunteer-led youth projects

Projects in which youth-led initiatives implement projects/activities solely on voluntary basis (i.e. no salaries), with the aim to provide opportunities for youth with a focus on inclusion, creativity, rights, recovery, sustainable solutions etc.

The budget amount is within the range of EUR 1.000-5.000.

Important note for organisations from Mykolaiv

Organisations from Mykolaiv and Mykolaiv region are eligible to apply on tracks 1-4 for a type of Strategic youth grant (max. EUR 20.000). Please, be aware that requirements for this track and grant type are different than for a type of Volunteer youth project (max. EUR 5.000).

The priority in the selection process will be given to:

  • Youth-led projects
  • Youth groups that are democratically organised or wish to be democratically organised
  • Projects implemented in cooperation of Ukrainian and Danish partners

How to apply

Read the guidelines (ENG / UA) before applying.

  1. The application must be submitted through The Ukrainian-Danish Youth House - Application Portal.
  2. New applicants must create a profile on the application portal by following the link: https://udyh.grant.nu/profile/#/signup
  3. Once you have a profile, you can submit your application(s) and receive feedback from the Grant Secretariat. An organisation can submit no more than three applications per year.

The application must consist of:

  • Project description
  • Relevant information about the applicant organisation
  • Curriculum Vitae of the Project Manager
  • Project Budget
  • Additional materials relevant to your application

The applicant can receive advice in the writing process by writing to grants@theyouthhouse.org.

The deadline for applications extended! Apply till July 4, 23:59 UA time.

