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The Ukrainian-Danish Youth House Grants

The Ukrainian-Danish Youth House Grants support youth organisations and youth projects in Ukraine with the aim to build a stronger civil society and a more democratic Ukraine in the future.

The total yearly budget for the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House Grants is DKK 1.050.000.

This information is also available in Ukrainian: click here

Who can apply?

The Ukrainian-Danish Youth House Grant supports registered organisations that are:

  • Youth-led,
  • Working for youth, or
  • Doing projects aimed at youth.

Support under the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House Grants is provided to activists, artists, and other representatives of young civil society, all working with youth of the age of 15-35.

Youth is in our definition young people in the age 15-35.

Youth organisations that are democratically organized or wish to be democratically organized will be prioritized.

What kind of initiatives are supported?

The purpose of the Grant is to provide young civil society actors with financial resources and capacity to contribute to the objectives of the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House: to support the democratic development of Ukraine and to strengthen the ties between young Ukrainians and Danes.

1. Strategic youth projects

Projects including and promoting youth participation in society, culture and decision-making, in which the applicants strive towards creating long-lasting impact.

The budget amount is within the range EUR 4.000 – 20.000.

Co-financing is allowed if needed.

Timeframe for implementation: Until 31.12.2024.

2. Volunteer-led youth projects

Projects in which youth-led initiatives implement projects/activities solely on voluntary basis (i.e. no salaries), with the aim to provide opportunities for youth with a focus on inclusion, creativity, rights, recovery, sustainable solutions etc.

The budget amount is within the range of EUR 1.000-5.000.

Timeframe for implementation: Until 31.12.2023.

Projects with a Danish partner will be prioritized. The Ukrainian-Danish Youth House, Danish Youth Council or Danish Cultural Institute cannot be partner.

How to apply

Read the guidelines (ENG / UA) before applying.

The application forms can be found here: in English or in Ukrainian — and must be submitted to grants@theyouthhouse.org in English or Ukrainian with the subject line “Application_[name of organisation]”.

The application must consist of three files:

  1. A complete and signed Application Form in the PDF (*.pdf) format. The signature can be applied electronically or the document can be signed physically and scanned into PDF format.
  2. A complete Application Form in the Word Document (*.docx) format.
  3. A complete Activity-based budget form.

The submitted documents must have the same title as the subject line of the email sent. Incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration.

The applicant can receive advice in the writing process by writing to grants@theyouthhouse.org.

The deadline for applications is October 1st 2023. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

The evaluation process is expected to be completed by 20th of October. All applicants will receive feedback.



Application Form

Budget Form