UAApply for grantsContact usUkrainian-Danish Youth House

Current goals

  1. Empowerment​: strengthening democratic participation of young people
  2. Partnerships and cultural exchange​: interaction between Ukrainian and Danish youth
  3. Local anchoring and institutionalization​: strengthening local youth communities
  4. Advocacy and strategic influence: advocacy and facilitation of the dialogue between youth and government, business


What do we do?

The Ukrainian-Danish Youth House works to support and inspire young people — and we do it in different ways.

physical Youth House in Kyiv ​​​​​​

where young people get a chance to organize their events, develop socially important projects, and express their thoughts and ideas through creativity and art

local office and future physical Youth House —in Mykolaiv ​​​​​​

to support youth in Mykolaiv and regions by providing them with opportunities to learn more about democracy, engage them in activism and active citizenship

programs for young people in different regions

to help them get specific skills in activism, dialogue, democracy, advocacy, project management, volunteerism, etc.

exchange projects between Ukrainian and Danish youth

to share experiences, create partnerships, and explore cultures

grants programs

which are focused on the ideas and initiatives working for the sake of youth and democracy


we have already translated and published the "Dialogue Handbook" and started sharing it withing communities all around Ukraine. New ones coming up!

The team is also actively engaged in:

conferences and youth, culture-oriented events

we are active participants at different events in Ukraine and Denmark where we speak up on the needs of young people, while also hosting some of them at the Youth House


    our team is co-creating projects and events with relevant stakeholders on youth-oriented topics


    Youth House in Kyiv

    A 4-floor House in the center of Kyiv. Three of them are fully dedicated to young people, their unity, self-expression, and democratic participation.

    A space of diversity, ideas, and democracy, created about and for young people. Three floors dedicated to your creativity, creativity, implementation of socially important initiatives, volunteering, and creating a dialogue between youth and the authorities, businesses, and other organizations.


    • Organizing events/projects: from book clubs and discussion meetings to conferences and training
    • Joining events/projects conducted in the House
    • Using the space to work on the project, brainstorm, conduct team-buildings, presentations, meetings, record a podcast, etc.
    • Art platform: organizing an art project and/or having an art residency of short or long term — of a different scale

    Youth House in Mykolaiv

    The Ukrainian-Danish Youth House in Mykolaiv began its work in the winter of 2024. Local representation is about opportunities for Mykolaiv youth. For their development, participation in democratic processes, unlocking their potential, sharing knowledge and experience with Danish youth.

    And, of course, we are working on opening and developing a local space for ideas and democracy — the Youth House in Mykolaiv.

    Currently, an Ambassadors program is on. We united local youth to engage them in

    • training their event management skills
    • practical courses with experts on how to implement ideas
    • actual implementation of those ideas: while participating in the program, they are able to use the knowledge gained and gain new experience in organizing your own events
    • shaping the future of the Mykolaiv Youth House

    Follow us in Mykolaiv Instagram page to know more:

    Our main projects

    School of Dialogue

    An intensive training for young facilitators on how to use a dialogue method and communicate at the level of values.

    • The first training was conducted in November 2022
    • The second and third ones were held in the spring and autumn of 2023
    • As a result, currently, 66 young people have been involved in the training

    Peculiarities: Dialogue Community, peer-to-peer learning

    Youth gets a chance to
    🖇 learn what dialogue is and how it helps to communicate
    🖇 explore facilitation as a form of interaction
    🖇 and work on confidence in working with groups
    🖇 learn how to create an efficient workshop
    🖇 conduct their own workshop with the support of the Youth House team and the School of Dialogue Community — for their communities
    🖇 join this Community that already includes more than 30 graduates from different regions and backgrounds 💚

    UkraineMrii (Dreams for Ukraine)

    An intensive program for dreamers, where they learn how to create projects, work in a team, and develop an idea for the reconstruction and development of their home region.

    The project is conducted in partnership with the Ukrainian Leadership Academy.

    • In autumn-winter 2022 we held MykoMrii and KhersonMrii (Dreams for Mykolaiv and Dreams for Kherson). More than 150 young people joined the online-program, and 50 participated in the expedition to Denmark. In 2023 a team of graduates launched a youth NGO in Mykolaiv
    • In spring-summer projects KharkivMrii and OdesaMrii were conducted —with more than 140 joining online lectures, 20 going to the expedition, and 8 teams presenting their projects

    Peculiarities: focus on youth in regions that suffered from the full-scale war and their needs, communities, complex program

    Youth gets a chance to
    🖇 Develop a project idea for their home city and region
    🖇 Meet with experts in education, culture, and activism during online lectures
    🖇 Gain experience in teamwork
    🖇 Learn the main things about project management at an offline-training training
    🖇 Explore European practices during an expedition to Denmark
    🖇 Present their ideas of initiatives to the representatives of local government

    Workshop of your development

    A two-day program for youth 15-22 years old who live or moved to a specific region. Training is tailored for those who make their first steps in activism and those who are not active in social life.

    • Since 2022, 5 training covering 5 regions have been conducted: in Chernivtsi, Volyn, Kyiv, Vinnitsya, and Dnirpo regions
    • Involving up to 20 young people for each training

    Peculiarities: for youth in regions, program for starters, on-site community-building, combining local youth and internally displaced

    Youth gets a chance to learn and master basic knowledge about
    🖇 Soft and hard skills
    🖇 Leadership and motivation
    🖇 Skillful allocation of time and resources
    🖇 Influence and activism in the community
    🖇 Creating projects and teams
    🖇 Reflection
    🖇 Identifying values and priorities
    🖇 Launching changes in the community

    About our events, projects, meetings, and plans, and just the everyday life — see more on our social media 💚

    In case of any questions, please, reach out to us via this email: